Google Sites

Google Sites is an All in One Tool for Building Powerful Intranets, Team Sites, & Public Facing Websites

Looking to build a new website or give your current site a makeover? Google Sites let you quickly create and customize websites with an accessible & easy-to-use platform

While setting up a Google Site is fairly simple, we've got you covered with a step-by-step guide to creating one, plus Google sites templates and examples of some of the best Google sites on the web today

But first, here's exactly what Google Sites is and why business owners all over use it as part of their marketing strategies

What is Google Sites?

Google Sites is Google's own CMS that allows you to build a website for free. You can use your own domain and customize your template with copy, images, fonts, headers, footers, and menus. If you’re an experienced website builder or consider yourself particularly tech-savvy, Google’s framework provides plenty of web development and deployment options to leverage at your leisure

Google Sites has experienced some changes in the years since its debut. The classic version looked a lot like Google Docs does now, but the additional functionality and new features make it a viable contender for business owners and creators looking for an easy-to-use CMS

If you’ve got the classic version of Google Sites already up and running, it’s a good idea to make the switch to the new interface. The updated design framework is much easier to use thanks to drag-and-drop design elements and the ability to quickly insert text, images, and videos

Is Google Sites free?

Google Sites is completely free with any standard Google Workspace account (Included in all Google Workspace Plans). The number of sites you can make is only limited to the spare storage that comes with your account, but you can upgrade your Google Workspace subscription at any time. It’s worth noting that this storage is shared with all your other Google Workspace applications

Some Useful Examples of Google Sites

So what exactly does a great Google site look like? We scoured the web for the most captivating and intuitive Google Sites that will inspire you to create your own. Here are some of our favorite Google Site examples.

This Google Sites example uses happy and inviting colors to welcome students, teachers, parents, and staff to the site which is heavily adorned with photos and slideshows of the children who attend the school. This site shows just how versatile Google Sites can be when it comes to delivering multimedia content. All of this is done without compromising site speed and loading ability.

What we like about Peters Field High School's Google Site:

The Jirvus Technologies website is overflowing with gems that will inspire your website design. From the high-quality image background to the clean CTAs, this Google Site showcases many of the platform's best features that you can bring to life on your own site. What we like about Jirvus Technologies' Google Site:

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