Google Sites 


Google Sites is an easy-to-use website-building platform that lets you quickly create and publish new sites. While it can’t compete with some more in-depth, paid, and freemium alternatives — such as Squarespace or Wix — it’s a great way to get your site up and running without the costs of professional design and development.


Is Google Sites a good website builder?

The answer depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re building your first site to generate customer interest and establish a digital presence, Google Sites reviews say it's an ideal starting point because it’s free, easy to use, and naturally integrates with other Google services.

If you’re looking to build a more robust sales or service website, however, you may be better served by more robust site design tools that come with a monthly or yearly cost.


How do I upload to my website on Google Sites?

Uploading files to your website is simple: Open your site, select Insert, select the file you want to upload, click Insert again, and then Publish in the top right-hand corner.

Note: Google’s official help page recommends first publishing your file in Docs, Sheets, or Slides before uploading to improve response times.


How do I earn money from Google Sites?

While it’s possible to sell products or services on your Google site — especially if you have a Google Business account — one of the easiest ways to earn money is by displaying ads using Google AdSense.


How do I point my domain to Google sites?

When you make a Google site, the URL will display as & while this works for personal pages, you may want a custom URL if you’re planning to use your site for professional activities or product sales.

Here's how to point your domain to a Google site:

Step 1: Start by registering your preferred domain with a domain name registrar.

Step 2: Head to the Sites setting of your Admin console and select Custom URL then click Add > Continue and enter your current Google Sites domain.

Step 3: Select Continue again and then enter your custom URL and click Add Custom URL.


How do I delete a page on Google Sites?

Here's how to delete a page on Google Sites:

Step 1: Click Pages on the right-hand side of your site

Step 2: Select More for the page you want to remove and choose Delete.

Made a mistake? Sites pages are stored as files in Google Drive Trash and can be restored. To permanently delete a page or site, you also need to empty your Google Drive Trash.