Sales Blogs

Identify Sales Super Stars

By Abhi Atri



Finding People with Sales Potential

There are a number of different strategies you can use to identify people with sales potential. Here are a few:

It's also worth noting that finding people with sales potential is just the first step. Once you've identified potential candidates, you'll need to provide them with the training and support they need to succeed in their roles.

It's a good idea to have a combination of both hard skills ( product knowledge, problem-solving, negotiation ) and soft skills (communication, emotional intelligence, adaptability) when you are assessing the potential of a sales professional.

Sales SuperStars Skill Set - Hard Skills

There are a number of hard skills that are important for salespeople to have in order to be successful. Here are a few examples:

While having these hard skills is important, it's also worth noting that soft skills such as communication, emotional intelligence, and adaptability are also important for success in sales.

Sales SuperStars Skill Set - Soft Skills

In addition to the hard skills required for sales, there are also a number of soft skills that are important for salespeople to have in order to be successful. Here are a few examples:

It's important to note that soft skills are not always easy to measure or quantify, but they can be just as important for success in sales as hard skills. Some good interview questions can give an indication of the presence of soft skills

How to Become a Sales Super Star - Summary

A salesperson's skillset is a combination of both hard and soft skills that are necessary to be successful in the sales profession. Some of the key skills a salesperson should have include:

Having these skills will give a sales professional the ability to effectively identify, qualify, and close deals with new and existing customers. And to continuously improve and grow their sales skills over time.

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