See how Google Workspace Stacks Up against Your Current Solution

Report Compares Impacts of Google Workspace and Office 365, Reveals Teams are More Productive and Collaborative with Google Workspace

Get the Complete Quadrant Strategies Report and Learn How Teams Collaborate More Effectively, Engage in More Meaningful Conversations, and Overcome Silos with Google Workspace

Report: Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365

In today’s dynamic hybrid workplace, effective communication, & collaboration depend largely on having a productivity solution that’s easy to adopt and simple to use

In a March 2022 report, Quadrant Strategies explored the differences between Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 by interviewing users of both products, and asking what they had to say about their own use of their organization’s respective productivity solution. The research looked at several key areas, including 

In today’s dynamic digital workplace, effective communication and collaboration depend largely on having a productivity suite that’s easy to adopt and simple to use

Quadrant Strategies explored the differences between Google Workspace and Office 365 in a recent report. The result? Google Workspace consistently drove bigger impacts in 4 areas that people and businesses care about most:

Collaboration: 95% of Google Workspace users are able to easily work with multiple people in the same document, compared to 84% of Office 365 users

Communication: 48% of users agree that Google Workspace facilitates meaningful team conversations, compared to 38% of Office 365 users

Access to information: 85% of users say Google Workspace helps break down silos that impede effectiveness, compared to 74% of Office 365 users

Culture: 60% of Google Workspace users strongly agree that their team works very well together, compared to 49% of Office 365 users